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Kryos One Portable Cryotherapy - Body & Facial
Kryos One Portable Cryotherapy - Body & Facial

Moleculizer 810 Hydrogen & Brown's Gas Generator by Hydrogen Technologies
Moleculizer 810 | Hydro-Qube QB5 | Hydro-Qube QB10
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The Moleculizer 810 is the premier “Browns Gas” style electrolysis generator currently on the market.
This machine produces 66.6% hydrogen gas and 33.3% oxygen gas by splitting the water molecules of distilled or demineralised water. This allows the user to utilise the gas however they choose or is convenient at the time.
Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between the systemic manifestation of reactive oxygen species and a biological systems’ ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage.
Disturbances in the normal redox state of cells can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. Oxidative stress from oxidative metabolism causes base damage, as well as strand breaks in DNA. Base damage is mostly indirect and caused by the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generated, such as O2− (superoxide radical) and OH (hydroxyl radical). Oxidative stress can also cause disruptions in normal mechanisms of cellular signaling.
“Oxidative stress is an inescapable component of all aerobic life”In a healthy aerobic organism, there is a balance between the reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced in metabolism, and the biological systems ability to protect cells from these naturally occurring ROS. Ascendancy of the ROS production or the reduction of the system’s ability to detoxify, results in defects that may cause cell or organism damages or death. This imbalance is referred to as oxidative stress. The generation of ROS arises by many mechanisms in an organism even under normal physiological conditions. There are endogenous cellular sources of ROS. The most important of these sources are the associated electron transport chains of mitochondria and auto-oxidation of the key molecules of cellular function in both animals and chloroplasts as an alternative of mitochondria in plants. Processes which produce oxidative stress in mammals and aquatic organisms are also similar.

Hydrogen is the lightest and simplest element with the symbol “H”. It consists of only one electron and one proton, but under normal conditions it exists primarily in its diatomic form, molecular hydrogen (H2 gas). In other words, two hydrogen atoms (H) are covalently bonded (a type of chemical bond) together as H-H. As there are two hydrogen atoms, we call this diatomic hydrogen, or molecular hydrogen. The hydrogen molecule contains two protons and two electrons making it a neutrally-charged molecule. It is this form of hydrogen that has been shown to exert the wide range of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-apoptotic (or anti- cell death) effects that scientists and biologists are now referring to as proven.
“The hydrogen molecule contains two protons and two electrons making it a neutrally-charged molecule”
Molecular Hydrogen is the smallest and most abundant molecule in the universe and it is this extremely small size and its high lipid solubility, that allows it to easily diffuse into the subcellular compartments of the mitochondria (the engine room of a biological systems’ cells) and other locations throughout the entire body. This means that it is able to scavenge oxygen radicals which can be toxic to cells, and therefore protect the DNA, RNA (essential in coding, decoding and regulation of genes), and proteins from oxidative stress; a key factor in the initiation and advancement of disease.

Since 2007, research into the effects Molecular Hydrogen has on Oxidative Stress has exponentially increased. It is leading a new understanding in biology and although there is still much to learn, there is a common theme emerging, and that is that the supplementation of Molecular Hydrogen into the biological system has unparalleled beneficial effect on the entire system. Its effects are so diverse because it is a fundamental element and crucial in enabling the process of energy production, the cleaning up of the radicals created during that process, and ultimately life itself as a healthy complete organism.
Approximately 62% of all the atoms in most animal species are Hydrogen atoms (that’s 3 out of every 5 atoms), with another 24% Oxygen. The oxygen needed is easily accessed through the air however, hydrogen is not so easily accessed and needs to be produced within the gut by consuming enough clean fresh food to enable sufficient hydrogen production to keep the oxidative/reductive balance in check. This is why we see so much emphasis on good gut health and the need for fiber in the diet. As a body ages, its ability to produce and harvest enough hydrogen to control the effects of Oxidative Stress diminishes which may result in the onset of degenerative diseases and ailments.
Molecular Hydrogen Supplementation is simply providing the living organism access to the very atoms that allow it to exist in the first place. Hydrogen has been referred to as the key to all living things and in its atomic form, it is the most pure, natural supplement known to science. It has been shown to selectively scavenge and neutralize the highly reactive and toxic radicals in the system while allowing the positive roles of ROS to continue unhindered.
Stainless steel is used extensively throughout these machines as we believe that the use of inferior plastics and polycarbonates will have a detrimental effect on the living organism.
The Hydrogen Technologies, Molecular Hydrogen/Oxygen Generators and Nanobubble Infusion Pumps are the highest quality electrolysis machines on the market today. The machine allows the user to maximize the vast majority of the health benefits that molecular hydrogen can offer across such a broad range of applications. Our patented generator design allows small and large-scale users to utilize molecular hydrogen gas for a multitude of industries all via comprehensive, integratable devices that will enable the user to scale to their specific requirements. These generators will allow the user to inhale the gas produced at a safe 2-4% hydrogen to air mixture, enrich drinking water or apply topically to the skin. Further development at our factory will see a new release in the very near future and will allow for even more access to this life changing technology. Watch this space.It can be highly portable, is easily maintained and made from only the highest quality materials available. Stainless steel is used extensively throughout these machines as we believe that the use of inferior plastics and polycarbonates will have a detrimental effect on the living organism. We do not take short cuts and will not compromise the health of our customers at any cost.
Our system produces as pure as possible a gas of hydrogen and oxygen and we have taken the utmost care to eliminate any possible contamination potential. The large, 15 plate electrolysis cell and tank capacities, allow for the efficient production of quality of gas at a low electrical demand and low operating temperature. This allows the generator to produce a full 1800+ liters of gas per liter of water used, eliminating the potential of water vapour or steam being produced and ultimately being consumed by the user. The cooler the machine can operate at, the higher the quality of the gas produced, and the increased life span of the generator and components within it.
Hydrogen Technologies are endeavoring to set the benchmark for industry approved standards and are keen to work with industry leaders to do so. We believe that the hydrogen/oxygen combination of gas delivery to the aerobic organism is by far the greatest medical breakthrough in history thus far and we not only want to make this supplement available to all that need it, but also to keep it simple, robust, safe and as pure as we can. The machines are hand made in Australia and stringently tested on site before dispatch to ensure integrity and function. Used as directed and maintained at the recommended service schedule, our machines are expected to last well beyond 10 years.

This machine produces 66.6% hydrogen gas and 33.3% oxygen gas by splitting the water molecules of distilled or demineralised water. This then allows the user to utilise the gas however they choose or is convenient at the time. Only ever use distilled or demineralised water in this machine. Pure Water In = Pure Gas Out. To begin using this machine you will need approximately 5 litres (or 1 gallon) of distilled or demineralised water to fill and prepare the machine for use. Further information available in the maintenance section of this website. We can provide solutions for both large and small-scale water enrichment using nano-bubble gas infusion technologies for uses across a multitude of industries and applications. Please contact us to discuss your requirements and we will work with you to determine the best possible solution.
The scientific community is abuzz with the recent discoveries and research into Oxidative Stress, its causes, its management and its effects on virtually all living things. The science is now being applied to a huge range of interests with common, fundamental results being seen across a broad scope of life forms and species.
The collection of links listed here create a pretty compelling case for the future of general health for many species to be based. If you are unfamiliar with reading scientific information like this, take your time and do your best to read the entirety of the information before moving on to the next subject. Each link builds on the information from the previous link, so start at the top and work your way through.

Electron Transport Chain
Reactive Oxygen Species
Oxidative Stress
The Molecular Hydrogen Foundation
H2 Minutes
When comparing the Hydrogen Technologies product against a competitor product, please do your very best to stay away from plastics and polycarbonates as we do not believe that they will not deteriorate over time and contaminate the living system of the intended receiver. We understand that the molecular hydrogen industry is in its infancy at present, and that machines are being invented to enable access to consumers. However, we believe that small electrolysis cells combined with plastic and polycarbonate components (which will degrade and contaminate the system over time), high electrical demand (to produce the gas volume required), resulting in high operating temperatures (producing water vapour and condensation), all with the intention of inhaling directly to the lungs (including contamination potentials) and in turn transported throughout the entire body via the blood stream, is not good practice and should be researched thoroughly. Due to the delivery methods associated with this technology, manufacturing quality needs to be considered with minimum standards acknowledged by industry leaders.
Constructed from Stainless Steel –
Components = 316L Body = 316
Recommended use:
600ml – 800ml per minute
100ml – 900ml per minute
Hoses are laboratory grade
TYGON S3 – E 3603
Recommended use
400ml – 600ml per minute
GAS Production
Hydrogen – 66.6% Oxygen – 33.3%
Cell operating temperature
35-40 degrees Celsius
AC Power Supply
220 – 240V & 110V 50-60Hz
Weight 32kg
H=700mm W=300 D=250mm
Volume/Flow control
1 x Auxiliary Hose
1 x Diffusion Stone Hose
1 x Y Piece Hose